Upcoming Events

October 18, 2016
Fossil Field Workshop

Alabama State Fossil


Basilosaurus cetoides


Fossils of the Black Belt - A Hands-On Field Workshop for Science Teachers

University of West Alabama in Livingston and vicinity

October 18, 2016

8:00am to 4:30pm

Cost: $25.00

preregistration required

Earth Science Week!


The Geological Survey of Alabama has a limited number of American Geological Institute Earth ScienceWeek kits available (see link above).  These kits contain posters, a DVD, booklets, and other educational materials.The kits are free to Alabama teachers while our supply lasts.  Please contact David Kopaska-Merkel at 205-247-3695.

Contact Information

David Kopaska-Merkel



Educational Outreach
The Geological Survey of Alabama's education program is nearly as old as the agency itself, and educational activities are as varied as one would expect for an agency whose mandate includes promoting the wise use of the natural resources of the state. Educational activities have always been a vital part of the Survey's mission, because the agency's "customers" include all of the citizens of Alabama, of all ages and in all walks of life.

Educational outreach activities of the Survey include development and distribution of publications; hands-on workshops for science teachers; geological field trips for teachers, classes, and the general public; classroom visits; presentations to groups as diverse as the Kiwanis Club and the Alabama Science Teachers Association; tours of the Survey facilities in Tuscaloosa; and many more. Individual assistance is always available by telephone, fax, mail, e-mail, or in person.

The Alabama Geological Survey is the state's number one source of educational publications about the earth. Products range from brochures to field-trip guidebooks, slide sets, booklets, postcards, and posters. Many are available at no charge. During the past several years, the Survey has published educational calendars on some aspect of the state's geology, many of which are still available as posters; posters about water resources and fossils; a water-resources poster; booklets about rocks, minerals, and fossils; and several brochures. Many educational publications are included in the educational series, but others have been published as Information Series, Circulars, Bulletins, Special Maps, and free brochures or fact sheets.

Alabama Outstanding Earth Science Teacher Award nomination form

Winners for a given year are chosen at the end of September.  Nominations received after the end of September are considered for the following year.