Free science books
for schools
Pennsylvanian Footprints in the Black Warrior Basin
of Alabama
edited by
Ronald J. Buta - Andrew K. Rindsberg - David C. Kopaska
Alabama Paleontological Society Monograph No. 1
In 1999, a science teacher scouted a surface coal mine in north-central Alabama
for his class and found a treasure trove of vertebrate trackways that had been imprinted
on a tidal mud flat 310 million years before. The Union Chapel Mine is now recognized
as the world's best Carboniferous tracksite and has been featured in the Discovering
Alabama video series. This volume-an unusual collaboration between amateurs and professionals-tells not only about the
footprints and associated fossils, but also about the unprecedented effort to rescue
the site from reclamation.
- Descriptions of trace fossils and fossil plants
- Photographic atlases of hundreds of specimens
- Earliest evidence of group behavior in fish and amphibians
- Global context and significnace of the site
- Written for the educated layperson
Regularly $49; no charge to public schools while supplies last
For more information about the book, see
A limited number of copies of this fascinating book will available at no
cost to public-school libraries in Alabama. In order to qualify to receive
a free book, a librarian must write a letter of request on school stationery to:
Geological Survey of
Education Committee
P.O. Box 869999
The Geological Survey of Alabama/State Oil
and Gas Board Education Committee is an informal volunteer group of staff members
who are dedicated to supporting high-quality science education in
No state funds were used to print or distribute this book.

Fossil amphibian trackway collected by Ashley Allen at the Minkin Site. Scale in centimeters (about 2.5 cm per inch).